Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Lab 14: Different types of camera shots & editing techniques

In week 14, I have learnt the different types of camera shots and editing techniques. With these shots and techniques, I am able to further improve on editing photos and taking good photos.

High-angle Shot

Low-angle Shot

Dutch angle Shot

Establishing(extreme long) Shot

Long Shot

Medium Shot

Close-Up Shot

Extreme Close-Up Shot

Bird's Eye View Shot

Point of View Shot

Over the shoulder Shot

Selective Focus Shot

Fade to black Shot

Dissolve/cross fade Shot

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Project 2: Pumped-Up Kids

For Project 2, we have to film a video and add in effects in it. I do not have the hard copy of the proposal as it was handwritten and passed up, therefore what I post here is what I can recall when my team was doing this together.

Title: Pumped-Up Kids
Four ordinary people are chosen to be superheros. One day, they all enter a portal and was led to an unknown place. They began to train their own powers, Wind, Water, Earth and Fire. One day, while Jo(Fire) was jogging in the park, he entered an evil portal unknowingly. After that, Fire became very evil and the other superheros, Wind, Water and Earth, knew that he was possessed by an evil spirit and decided to kill the evil spirit within him.

Treatment: Four ordinary people are chosen to be superheros. They all entered a portal and was led to an unknown place. They touched a nuclear ball and they have super powers. Nicole(Me-Wind), Ayuni(Earth), Eunice(Water) and Hemandra(Fire) began their training. One day, Fire entered a portal unknowingly while jogging in the park. That portal is an evil portal which an evil spirit will control you. Fire became evil because of the evil spirit inside him. The other superheros, Wind, Water and Earth, knew that he was possessed by an evil spirit and decided to kill the evil spirit within him. After Wind, Water and Earth combined their powers together, they defeated the evil spirit within Fire.

Scene Breakdown:
A - Four ordinary people are chosen to be superheros. They all entered a portal and was led to an unknown place. They touched a nuclear ball and they have super powers.
B - The four superheros began their training to enhance their super powers.
C - Fire entered a portal and after that, he was possessed by an evil spirit.
D - The other superheros, Wind, Water and Earth, combined their powers together and they defeated the evil spirit within Fire.

This is the storyboard for our video:

Production Schedule:
This is the production schedule that we have planned earlier before the filming of our video:

Overall, I think the video was filmed quite well, but for my part of adding effects in it, I think I did not do quite well as what I expected because I could not follow the tutorials that I have searched beforehand. As a result, I could only add n basic effects like Glow, Fast Blur, CC Particle World and so on.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Lab 12A - Earthquake

This is the After Effects video exercise for Lab 12A. It is not difficult to follow and this video tutorial takes only 9min and 29secs so it is not that time consuming to do it.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


This is the outcome of my project 1. It is a typography video.

Friday, 9 December 2011



This are the sketches of how I want my video to look like.

Effects used on my video:
Panel 1 - Curves used on the word 'LIGHT' to make it look like the word really lights up.
               Text positioning is used for the rest of the words.
Panel 2 - Smoothing is used on the word 'ELSE' to make the edges on it smoothen.
               Text positioning is used for the rest of the words.
Panel 3 - I masked the word 'HAIR'. Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts. 
Panel 4 - Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and added some colours.
Panel 5 - I masked the word 'SMILE' and added some colours to the texts. The Curves effect i also used on the word 'SMILE'. Text positioning is used for                 the rest of the words. 
Panel 6 - I coloured the word 'HARD'. I dropped some shadow for the word 'HARD'.Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts
Panel 7 - Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts. I used Wave Warp for the word 'KNOW'.
Panel 8 - I used CC Ball Action effect for both 'OH's. The second 'OH' scattered into the 'air' and the word disappeared before it changes to the next panel.
Panel 9 - Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts.
Panel 10 - I used the effect Scattered for the word 'SEE', so that before it turns to the next panel, it scatters into the 'air'.
Panel 11 - I masked the word 'UNDERSTAND'. Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts.
Panel 12 - I used Wave Warp effect for the word 'DESPERATELY'. Text positioning is used for the word and I added some colours to the word too.
Panel 13 - I masked the word 'LOOKING'. Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts
Panel 14 - I used 'Card Action' for the word 'BELIEVE'. Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts
Panel 15 - For the second 'OH' in the video, I used 'Scattered' for the worrd. Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts
Panel 16 - Text positioning is used for the rest of the words and I added some colours to the texts.
Panel 17 -  I used CC Ball Action effect for both 'OH's. The second 'OH' scattered into the 'air' and the word disappeared before it changes to the next panel. This time it is in blue colour for both 'OH's.
Panel 18 - I used Wave Warp effect for the word 'MAKES'. I only coloured the word 'YOU' and text positioned the rest of the words.
Panel 19 - I used CC Snow effect for the background for this panel. I coloured the texts and text-positioned the rest of the letters. I also used Lens Flare for the letters 'BEAU'.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Week 1 - Studio A

1. Look for ONE example for the 9 different Motion Graphics.

      a. Logo/Brand ID
          Coca Cola - History Exam Commercial - HD

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: The company name is Coca-cola.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A:  The objectives and purposes of this video is to attract more people to drink Coca-cola, especially reaching out to the young adults and teenagers, even though Coca-cola is such a popular drink worldwide now.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
     A: The Art Style for the video is appealing, as it is inspired from the movie 'Night At The Museum'. It is an interesting way to promote Coca-cola.

          b. Concept Video
              Earth Day - Give Earth A Hand

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Greenpeace.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to encourage more people to save the Earth, because there are so many people in the world still experiencing dehydration and hunger due to other selfish people who still wishes to destroy the Earth.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is very simple, mainly consisting of hands all around the world to make a thing (eg. an ocean) and other motion graphics (eg. like the transformation of a circle to the Earth).

          c. Info-graphic
             The Infographics Show - Water

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Suprnova.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to tell people how much water is wasted around the world per year and people should save it,

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is that they use Adobe After Effects to create such an interesting Info-graphic video.

               d. Instructional
                   How to draw a Mug of Coffee Real Easy - Spoken Tutorial 

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Shoo Rayner - children's illustrator.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to teach children how to draw a mug of coffee step by step.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video shows a kiddy feel, mainly suitable for children.

                e. Kinetic Typography
                    Social Life, With Friends (kinetic typography)

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Alan Lastfuka.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to tell people how to have a social life with friends smartly.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is mainly from Adobe After Effects where only texts are moving in this video to tell a story.

                f. Advertisement
                   Snowball - Coca Cola Commercial

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Coca-cola company.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is promote Coca-cola. In this video, it shows that Coca-cola has been a popular drink all around the world, and people still want it so much.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is the good photography skills they used to make an attractive advertisment many people want to watch.

               g. Movies
                   Haeundae Trailer

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: CJ Entertainment.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to promote the movie, alert people, especially residents by the beach to take precautions of such disasters.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is very realistic, a stationery object came to life like the tidal waves. The animator made the tidal waves as though it was real.

               h. Promotional Video

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Big Bang, YG Entertainment.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to promote the song, and push more sales of their album.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is very unique as there are many powerful photography skills used.

                 i. Lower Third
                    Channel News Asia Prime Time Morning (Nuffnang)

1. Q: Who are the client/company?
    A: Channel News Asia.

2. Q: Objective and Purposes of the video.
    A: The objectives and purposes of this video is to promote Nuffnang and encourage people to blog more.

3. Q: What is the Art Style for the video?
    A: The Art Style of this video is very skilful because there is the Lower Third below in the video to tell people information (eg the name of the people talking).